
Bear witness images
Bear witness images

bear witness images

These journalists know that embedding with us means they will get to see the human side of an unfolding humanitarian crisis. In this special commemorative issue of Alert, you might recognize the work of many world-class photojournalists. Photographers accompanied MSF teams on some of our earliest assignments to chronicle this work and show the world what aid workers were seeing-to inspire empathy, solidarity, and, often, outrage.

bear witness images

Words matter, of course, but a photograph has the power to bridge wide geographic and cultural gulfs and communicate the realities of a human experience instantly. Photography is an essential tool in this project of bearing witness, or témoignage. This is a core element of our response to disasters, both natural and human-made. From the start, our medical teams made a commitment to care for patients as well as to speak out and call attention to the problems driving emergency needs. The doctors and journalists who came together to found Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) 50 years ago believed that our humanitarian action must not be silent.


If you would like to download a print version of this publication, click here. Below is a letter from Avril Benoît, Executive Director, MSF-USA in the Winter 2021 issue (Vol 22. Alert is a quarterly magazine published by Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF-USA) that features stories and photography from our medical projects around the world.

Bear witness images